Your listing looks great... here's how to make sure it smells good, too! Scents are a very powerful trigger and could make or break your first impression with a potential buyer. Some things we share with our sellers:
Consider the Carpets:
Crumbs, spills, dirt and pet hair over
the years inevitably have an impact on the scent in a home.Investing in a deep clean or exploring replacement options is something we typically recommend.
Deep Clean the Kitchen:
Grease builds up in places you wouldn't think, and odors occur.Wipe down all surfaces with hot soapy water a time or two.
Open the Doors & Windows:
An obvious but great way to bring some fresh air into the mix. If possible, open multiple windows or doors on opposite sides of the house to create a cross-breeze.
Add Scents Sparingly:
An overly perfumed room could signal to buyers you're trying to mask a bigger problem. Light, clean, fresh scents are the way to go!
Your Listing Looks Great...(here's how to make sure it smells good too)
- By Lisa Bassett
- Posted
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